the adventures of an idealist
1 min readJan 28, 2021


Man and Nature

The time is now, more than ever, don’t you see? Can’t you feel the warming of the planet, the erratic weather?

Nature is crying out for help as we abuse it every day.
Land disturbance and destruction, poaching and overfishing, invasive species, pollution, poverty, the use of fossil fuels for energy, all down to hapless human behavior, perpetrated with no thought of the consequences only looking at the bottom line… profit.

The blatant disregard is astounding as our leaders refuse to acknowledge and act on it. Is it worth it? All this for a currency made from plants? Isn’t this ironic? What do you expect from a tribe hooked on self-destruction?

There is a doctrine of hate at our core, disrespect, and disdain towards anything different or in our way. We wage wars, kill our fellow men as we embrace racism, intolerance, xenophobia, violence on a path to self-annihilation.

We are extinguishing the life of our planet and those who will inherit the earth, won’t be able to undo this damage. Nature will fight back to ensure its survival, and we’ll find out if the parasite can survive once it kills its host.

The Climate Change System

